Shacman зам/гудамж цэвэрлэгч машин

Shacman road/street sweeper truck Introduction of this Shacman road sweeper: The vehicle can be used as a road cleaning aspiration operation as a sweeping vehicle, but also as a high-pressure cleaning vehicle to flush suction operation, and the road surface cleaning suction and high pressure flush combination can also be cleaned Vehicle use, achieve …

Water Truck

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Shacman L3000 12000-15000 литрийн усны машин

Shacman L3000 water truck, also called Shacman L3000 water bowser, Shacman L3000 water sprinkler, Shacman L3000 water cart, Shacman L3000 water lorry truck, … Shacman L3000 water bowser, which the engine can be 210 horse power under euro 2 emission standard, left & right hand drive possible, and the water tank capacity can be from 10000 …

Шингэн асфальт / битум тээвэрлэх хагас чиргүүл

Шингэн асфальт / битум тээвэрлэх чиргүүл. Хагас чиргүүлasphalt truck is also called: asphalt semi-trailer truck, asphalt semi-trailer, asphalt insulation semi-trailer truck, semi-trailer insulation asphalt truck and so on.. Хагас чиргүүлтэй асфальтан машин нь авто замын барилгын ажилд их ...

Dongfeng 4 tons wrecker/tow truck with 3 tons crane

Dongfeng 4 tons wrecker/tow truck with 3 tons crane Dongfeng DFAC rescue wrecker for cars, mini vehicles, equipments, forklift…transport one place to another. Cost-effective price & services; easy operations & maintenance. Fully contact to the land, which is more easy to drag/load the broken cars to the board. Also easy to lift up a car using the telpic …

Isuzu 5000

Isuzu 5000 – 6000 литр Вакум бохирын машин. Дээрх зургаас та танкийн арын хэсэгт jettimg reel & pipe system байгааг харж болно, тийм ээ, энэ нь зөвхөн вакуум бохирын машин төдийгүй өндөр даралтын ус цацах үүрэгтэй.

2.5м цасан шүүртэй Dongfeng усны машин

Dongfeng water truck with 2.5m snow broom, this is a typical multifunctional water truck, which the snow plow/ plough or snow broom can be mounted on it. As the picture above that is a 5000 liters water truck, for the water spraying and water transport. This is the side and full view of the dongfeng 5 tons water truck mounte …

Isuzu 100P dump truck -Chengli Special Automobile Co., Ltd.

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Dongfeng Huashen T5 хогийн цэгийн машин

Dongfeng Huashen T5 garbage station truck, Dongfeng Huashen T5 rear eight-wheel sleeve arm + 18 square mobile compression garbage station departed in batches. These 5 units Dongfeng garbage station trucks are for our China domestic market end users. Garbage station site garbage compression truck is popular in China for the …

Shacman x9 усны савны машин

6(6000л) Танкны материал. Q235B Нүүрстөрөгчийн ган. Усны насосны загвар. 65QZ40/45 (Weilong насос) Усны насосны урсгал (м³/цаг) 40. Услах өргөн (M) ≥14. Усан бууны зай (M) ≥28-ийн гол онцлог Shacman x9 усны савны машин

Howo 40 T off road water truck -Chengli Special Automobile …

40 T off road water truck, 30-40-45 cbm heavy duty water tanker truck for sale, all wheel drive big capaity water trucks supplier & factory from China. 40T mining off-road water truck 1. Inheriting all the excellent performance of the mature chassis for TL series off-road wide body dump truck, it is more suitable for the road maintenance work in …

Вакуум сорох машин

Engine: 97C 300 horse power. 3. Sewage Tank: 20000 liters. 4. Tank factory: Chengli. 5. Driving: 6x6 AWD. Хооо AWD 20000 liter sewage truck, which we talk about is the off road howo vacuum sewage truck. You can check above here are 2 units Howo AWD (off road) 6×6 20000 liters sewage trucks.

Dongfeng duolika 5 cbm бохир ус сорох машин

Dongfeng duolika 5 cbm sewage suction truck, directly from the factory and manufacturer. Dongfeng sewage suction turck is the most popular accepted garbage truck in abroad market or domestic. It's the high cost effective sewage truck in the market. Dongfeng classical white cab with 120 horse power disel engine, 3800mm wheelbase, 5000 liters …

Isuzu FTR 10-12m3 /Cubic Compactor Garbage Truck

Isuzu FTR 10-12м3 /куб нягтруулагч хогийн машин үндсэн бүрэлдэхүүн. Isuzu хог нягтруулагч нь хогийн сав, гидравлик систем, үйлдлийн системээс бүрддэг бөгөөд хог хаягдлыг шахаж, том хэмжээтэй ...

3 axles 30000 liters to 60000 liters LPG tank trailer

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асфальт нунтаглах машин зарна

2. Крантай машин Хот хөдөөд крантай машин өргөх тээвэрлэх ажил хийнэ. Утас: 8806-0447 8806-ХХХХ. 3. Крантай машинаар ачаа тээвэрлэнэ Кран 3 тн машин 5 тн ачаа зөөж тээвэрлэнэ. Утас: 8000-0015 8000-ХХХХ