Suhner: Suhner Abrasive

Suhner Abrasive is a leading manufacturer of high-quality abrasive tools and accessories for various applications. In this pdf, you can find the full suhner abrasive catalogue, featuring detailed information and specifications of their products, such as flexible shafts, extension systems, electric and battery-powered tools, micro motors, and more. …

Suhner: Support

In order to get the desired or best possible grinding result the combination of abrasive, machine and process is crucial. Our «SUHNER Manual for cost-optimized grinding processes» fully supports you in this. For us the parameters of cost savings, improvement of the processes and achieving the required surface finish are crucial.


HUBER+SUHNER is committed to sustainability and has made this an important part of our business strategy. This includes taking sustainability requirements into account when developing innovative solutions like our new railway cable family, the RADOX 4 GKW-AX EN5 1800V M.

Suhner: Suhner

Solutions@SUHNER We bring solutions to the creation of your perfect success-critical metal workpieces and metal components. Every day we work with our customers to develop …

Маркетинг — Википедиа нэвтэрхий толь

Маркетинг (Англи: marketing) нь Филип Котлерын тодорхойлолтоос үзвэл, "Бүтээгдэхүүн болон үнэ цэнийг (өртөг, value) бий болгон бусадтай солилцох замаар хувь хүн буюу байгууллагууд хэрэгцээтэй буюу хүсч байгаа зүйлсээ олж ...

iple r T Flexibility

Complete Rotostar Kit: Consist of: Universal, double insulated 1-phase electric motor, 3-speed gear box (3000, 6000, 12000, rpm), 3 m power cord and plug, with flexible shaft …

Suhner NA 10X2000 Flexible Shaft w/ DIN10 & G28 Couplings

Replacement flexible shaft assembly to fit Suhner Rotostar, Rotofera & Rotomax 1.5 flex shaft machines ; 2,000 mm (79") in length, 10 mm (3/8") shaft core diameter ; ... flexible shaft casing and appropriate couplings for use on Suhner flexible shaft drive motors and with Suhner tool attachments. The shafts come assembled and …


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Parex Mongolia

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Flexible shaft for pneumatic and electric hand tooling

Our innovative, flexible shaft is among the most powerful and versatile in the industry. With variable speeds that range from 500 rpm to 25,000 rpm and efficiency rates exceeding 90%, our flexible shaft equipment enables you to handle several applications using a single machine. Plus, since direct drive machines are mounted or attached to a ...

цэс командууд | PPT

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Pump 1 | PDF

Hydro MPC-S Өргөлтийн насосны Hydro MPC-S төхөөрөмж нь ямар нэгэн давтамж хувиргагчгүй 2-6 ширхэг адил хүчин чадалтай CR насосны иж бүрдэл юм. Хоолойн холболтын хувилбарууд нь Ду 50-350 мм.

Tooling, Abrasives for Metal Finishing | Home | Suhner USA

One stop for a custom end-to-end solution. Suhner USA is a global manufacturer and distributor of its own Swiss-engineered, German-made tooling as well as a full array of abrasives from all the industry's leading manufacturers. Our team of seasoned experts works closely with you to create a custom solution that brings the right tooling and ...

audit test | PDF

Ү x 797. Хууль, дүрэм бүр санхүүгийн тайланд нөлөөлөх байдлаараа харилцан адилгүй баина. Ү x 798. Тусгай аргаар иж бүрдэл тооцоолол хийж байгаа үед аудитор нь шинжээчийн тооцооллыг ашиглаж болно.

Үнийн бодлого | PPT

Үнийн бодлого. 1. Олон Улсын Улаанбаатарын Их Сургууль Бизнес менежментийн тэнхим МАРКЕТИНГИЙН ҮНДЭС Лекц :№ 6 Үнэ бүрдүүлэлтийн бодлого Хичээлийн кредит: 3 Хичээлийн …

Suhner: Download Center

Download Center. Finding the right spare part at Suhner is very easy: In our user's guides you can find exploded drawings in which the right article number is reproduced - no matter if it is regarding air power, electric power tools or flexible shaft driven machines. Use filter.

Suhner: Flexible Shaft Components

Flexible Shaft Components. Flexible shafts are extremely resilient components that offer a high degree of longevity. They permit continuous work operations even in high-speed ranges (up to 50 000 rpm). They are perfectly suited for substitution of unprotected or complex drive units (angle gearboxes, chain hoists, universal joints, etc).